Essential Oils: My Five Favourite Essential Oils for Babies
I feel like I say this all the time, but I wish I had known about essential oils when I was pregnant and when my kids were really young. I could have really offered them some additional support (and something to help me get through those tough early days too!).
For those of you who have young babies, or are pregnant and expecting your bundle of joy, here are the five essential oils that I would arm myself with if I were pregnant again!
On Guard is such an important blend in this house! Babies and toddlers seem to get every single germ that comes within a ten mile radius of them! I use a single drop of On Guard in 10mls of coconut oil or olive oil and apply it to their feet every day to give their immune systems a much needed boost!
Lavender is the ultimate essential oil for babies. It's fantastic for general calming, so would be amazing during the witching hour (if you don't know what that is, don't ask, better to remain oblivious!), it also helps to wind a baby down for bed.
I also use it in the bath as it's great to support the skin as it repairs and renews itself. Now I have a crawling baby and a running toddler, Lavender comes in handy for all those cuts and scrapes that come with moving targets!
I don't think I mention Lemon too much but it's great oil for babies. It can be used to help the body to bring down a fever (rather than peppermint which can be too strong for some babies) and it's a great essential oil for supporting the body as it deals with the aftereffects from vaccines. Given our babies get so many in the first year, it's a nifty little oil to have on hand.
Fennel is my first essential oil I reach for when my baby's reflux flares up. It's really gentle on the stomach, but it helps to strengthen and support the digestive system. I would also use it on babies who have colic as often babies with colic have some kind of digestive upset and could do with the additional support.
I feel like I've been using this everyday for months on end. When my baby and toddler are sick, they are always sick with a massive snotty nose. I have no idea where my kids get all the green mucus from! Breathe is fantastic at helping the respiratory system as it tries to clear out all the gunk. It's particularly useful at night, because if your baby can't breathe, they can't sleep, and if they aren't sleeping, neither are you.
Are there any other essential oils that you think should in the new baby survival kit?
If you are interested in doTERRA essential oils, click here for details on how to get started!
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